| 100th Day of School 100 ideas for celebrating the 100th day of school, links to other math websites |
|  | 21st Century Problem Solving |
|  | A Math Refresher A short course in elementary algebra and trigonometry,attached to a larger overview of astronomy, physics and spaceflight. |
|  | A Mathlete's Training Guide Introductory problem solving skills for mathematics competitions. |
|  | A Maths Dictionary for Kids by Jenny Eather. An animated, interactivedictionary for students which explains over 400 common mathematical termsin simple language. |
|  | a-maths.com an interactive platform to exchange and develop AdditionalMathematics solutions |
|  | Adam's Freeware features Flash Cards 2, which lets you quiz yourself in arithematic |
|  | Algebra - One on One educational game for those wanting a fun way to learnand practice Algebra |
|  | Algebra for Everyone mathematics resources, including information about artificially intelligent mathematics tutors for Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 |
|  | Algebra Story and Word Problems for K-12 curriculum |
|  | Algebra Through Problem Solving on-line version of an educational bookthat has been used to prepare students for the Putnam Contest |
|  | Algebra.help for students and parents, offers lessons,tutorials, resources, and both proportion and equation calculators |
|  | An Invitation to Mathematics This tutorial explains high school math concepts in a simplified form that students can understand and use to do book problems. |
|  | Articles for Educators Math educators write about activities and lessonplans that have worked for them. |
|  | Ask a question! Volunteer experts answer all your math questions for free! |
|  | Bagatrix - Basic Math, Pre-Algebra, and Algebra Software Bagatrix designs basic math, pre-algebra, and algebra software that solves YOUR problems straight from the textbook! |
|  | Calc101.com does step-by-step derivatives and integrals witheach step explained, automatically. |
|  | Calculus By and For Young People (ages 7, yes 7 and up) |
|  | Calculus for Engineering (in Spanish) lessons, solved problems,examinations |
|  | CCCnet simple and compelling way to use interactive Internet projects in the classroom, K-12 |
|  | Co-ordinate Maths on-line math activity site involving co-ordinates |
|  | ColorMathPink.com is a new Internet site designed to help girlsexcel at math. |
|  | Complex Numbers and Trigonometry An introduction to complex numberswhich leads to an easier introduction of trigonometry |
|  | Computing Technology for Math Excellence K-12 math and calculus resources, including standardized test prep, methodology, software, projects, technology integration, manipulatives, standards, initiatives, professional development, NCLB, research. |
|  | COUNTDOWN COUNTDOWN includes a collection of math instruction videos and printable activity sheets categorized by NCTM standards. There is a clickable index. The site is completely free to use and contains no advertisements. |
|  | CourseServer Web-hosted math problem generator, select from thousands of problem types |
|  | Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem problem-solving journal atsenior secondary and university undergraduate levels |
|  | Cuisenaire Learning Place (materials for learning mathematics and science for grades K-9) |
|  | Dositey.com Free, interactive, and fun math and language arts lessons,games, exercises, printable worksheets, mindtwisters, challenging mathproblems and more. |
|  | DVDmaths Math education resources for teachers and students (in French) |
|  | e-Calculus : A Calculus I tutorial |
|  | Easymaths SA free community website for teachers, parentsand students with lessons, tests, exams, worksheets with answers, study skillsand more. |
|  | edHelper.com many mathematics webquests and lesson plans |
|  | Educational Object Server |
|  | Educational Resources for Electronics Technology Download trial computerbased software for teaching electricity, trigonometry and electronics. |
|  | Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra a foundational textbook by Edwin H. Connell, available for free download. |
|  | Endeavor Now Develops teaching materials, seeks teachers to test material. |
|  | EquationSheet.com a searchable database of science and math equations,constants, symbols, SI units, and unit conversions. |
|  | Events for Talented Students Student related programs of the ClayInstitute |
|  | Everyone Can Explore Math Hebrew site containing a teacher'sforum, ideas and theories, math history, and research activities for mathteachers in grades K-8 |
|  | Exambot offers a browsable database of math exams and problemswith solutions, allows the student to build practice exams for hisspecific course. |
|  | Excel Math Mathematics curriculum for grades K-6 |
|  | ExploreMath.com online community dedicated to the teaching and learning of mathematics |
|  | EZ Math Trix Video to learnmath tricks, improve math scores, and math IQ. |
|  | Felynx Cougati Topics in Mathematics by students for students - interactive multimedia with topics in multivariable differential calculus, linear algebra, and the theory of sets and functions |
|  | Fhs Precalculus Study Page study guide for precalculus topics done by chapter |
|  | Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Section Fibonacci sequence, Golden section |
|  | Figure This! Math Challenges for Families Free, fun, family-friendly questions that stimulate math learning and appreciation. |
|  | Fun Math for Kids (Big Learning) Real-world math activities for kids in grades k-6. |
|  | funbrain.com Interactive and educational math games for kids of all ages,including Math Baseball and Change Maker. New: it allows creation of quizzesfor students to take online |
|  | funmaths Download arcade-style educational computergames, for math at high school levels. Teacher designed, tested and approved. |
|  | Future School Canada offers a unique Interactive Educational Program to support student's learning at home or at school (K-12) in mathematics, English and French (Second Language). |
|  | Game Theory.net game theory lecture notes, links to text books, and interactiveapplets and games |
|  | GCSE Answers Tutorials and tips for high school mathematics |
|  | Geometria Learn and teach solid geometry with this interactive Javaprogram. |
|  | Gopher A gopher dedicated to Mathematics Education |
|  | Gordon's Games, and Simple Math Primary games, arithmetic games, math games, early childhood games, and teaching very basic early math, or arithmetic |
|  | Graphing Linear Equations interactive unit at the Algebra 1 level |
|  | Graphing Vector Calculator Vector addition and subtraction shown graphically with a Java applet |
|  | Hellenic Mathematical Society information on EU mathprograms, high school math competitions, and online exercise directory(in Greek) |
|  | Helping Kids with Math and Reading Math and Reading Help for Kids is a growing directory of original articles and resources centered on the topic of children's education. The purpose of this site is to provide a centralized information portal to help parents and children make informed decisions about school related issues. |
|  | Henry's Probability Calculator Interactive probability calculator |
|  | HomeWork Elephant Offers math help in a variety of areas. |
|  | Homework for Kids print practice homework, offers 400+ pages withexamples, worksheets, word problems, and answers. |
|  | ICSEMaths contains problems for practice in Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic,Trigonometry, and Statistics for high school students. |
|  | Illuminations internet resources to improve the teaching and learningof mathematics, following NCTM principals and standards |
|  | InstaGraphs Post-it® notes pre-printed with various coordinate grids.Helpful for teaching and learning many different math and science concepts. |
|  | Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles |
|  | Internet Calculus interactive calculus text on-line |
|  | Is All About Math This site produces a Video PodCast about Elementary topics in Mathematic using animations. |
|  | Juniors online curriculum based education for kids |
|  | Karl's Calculus Tutor An online tutorial for first year calculus students with illustrative stories and worked problems |
|  | Kye's World -- have fun learning about the basics of science, math andtecnology while doing interactive activities |
|  | Lesson Plans contains lesson plans for K-12 in math, science and more |
|  | Lock Block Logic Hands on activities for children to have fun with mathusing LEGO blocks. |
|  | Macsyma |
|  | Making Mathematics providing high school students and teachers withthe materials and mentorship necessary for engaging in a mathematical research experience. |
|  | Management Mathematics for European Schools modelling, lessons,training, material |
|  | Mastery Math - Tough Math Successful new program to teach Algebra 1 to high-risk and special education students. |
|  | Math & Logic Contest |
|  | Math Analysis & Trigonometry An interactive site for high school mathematics students, including question answering. |
|  | Math and Chess place where the math is learned in an integrated environment including math, chess, andmind games |
|  | Math Attack: How To Reduce Math Anxiety In The Classrom, At Work And InEveryday Personal Use a book (not on-line) by Marilyn Curtain-Phillips |
|  | Math Central Searchable database of teaching resources for math at the K-12 level |
|  | Math Courses Completely Online Algebra, Geometry, Basic Math, Test Prep, Adult Prep, Online Tutorials (not all courses are free) |
|  | Math Fact Café allows custom generation of your own math fact sheets. |
|  | Math Facts Now is a no nonsense educational tool, free download |
|  | Math Forum An Online Math Education Community Center |
|  | Math Goodies free site featuring interactive math lessons |
|  | Math League Help Topics , math help resource for grades 4 through 8 |
|  | MATH SPOKEN HERE! a 460-entry arithmetic and algebra dictionary on the web |
|  | Math Word Problems Solving A self-help tutor text for grade 7 and up and remedial |
|  | Math.com - the world of math online students, teachers, parents, andeveryone can find solutions to their math problems |
|  | MathAid interactive website features animated graphics andformulas, lessons, and customizable tests covering Algebra II throughPre-Calculus. |
|  | MathBOTs 3D point of view perspective game to learn math facts for gradesK-6 |
|  | MathDrills Contains math drills. Problems are randomly generated, scores are kept, details and hints are available |
|  | Matheass 7.0 |
|  | Mathematical studies in France Math problems en français (French) |
|  | Mathematics Across the Curriculum |
|  | Mathematics Explorarion I Ten activities based on NASA space activitiesranging in difficulty from pre-algebra to calculus and differential equations |
|  | Mathematics Magazine for Grades 1-12 Mathematics Magazine for grades 1-12 is a monthly publication for students and teachers. It offers 20 problems per grade 10 having the solutions and 10 peoposed for the next issue. |
|  | Mathematics with Alice! teaches math online the fun and unique way |
|  | MathExer A web based program to help students to learn Maths throughexercise solving. |
|  | MathHelp On-line math worksheets and tutorials. Requires subscription. |
|  | Mathletic resource including conversion factors, areas and volumes,integration and more. |
|  | MathMagic K-12 project aimed at solving posted challenges via collaborating teams and e-mail |
|  | MathNerds provides Free, discovery-based, mathematical guidance via an international, volunteer network of mathematicians. |
|  | MathPage Algebra help and learn by tutor, created with the help of students |
|  | Maths Is Fun Interactive maths site. GCSE level maths and puzzles. |
|  | Maths Medicine: a pocket book of daily mathematics items support sitefor the book Maths Medicine, a book about everyday math aimed at adultswho thought math was too hard or inaccessible |
|  | Maths Net |
|  | Maths Online provides learning material for a variety of topics, ranging from elementary to university level |
|  | Mathsensei Answers visitors' math questions. Also offers homework help. |
|  | MathSlice The website offers free math worksheets for grades K-6. The site also offers multiple choice tests and online math practice. |
|  | MathsTutorialsOnLine Interactive online mathematics tutorial |
|  | MathWorks for MATLAB |
|  | Matrix Algebra (in Spanish) practice examples, exercises, and testsgenererated using JavaScript |
|  | Meikleriggs Mathematics School level resources for Math in anEnglish context. Solutions to past STEP, A-level, and GCSE questions, andmore. |
|  | Mental Agility Games material and powerpoint presentations suitable forprimary and secondary school mathematics teachers. |
|  | Microtextbooks Ebooks for math, from elementary school, through high schoolto precalculus |
|  | Mr. Kelley's AP Calculus Home Page Let students answer your middle andhigh school math questions on this teacher-operated math site |
|  | Mr. Martini's Classroom Online interactive math problems and flash cards for elementary math practive. Topics include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, inequalities, and negative numbers. |
|  | Mr. Taylor's Multiplication Facts Drill online program forpractice of basic multiplication |
|  | Ms. Lindquist: The Tutor Free web-deliveredintelligent tutoring system for tutoring students in writing expressionsfor algebra word problems |
|  | MyAlgebra.com - Solve Your Algebra Problems Online MyAlgebra.com is a free site that lets you enter in your algebra problems and provides instant answers. |
|  | National Library of Virtual Manipulatives uniquely interactive, web-basedconcept tutorials (Java applets) for K-8 instruction |
|  | Navworld navigation information, 12 different hypothetical geometric Earths |
|  | Nick's Mathematical Puzzles A collection of puzzles, with hints, solutions, and links to related mathematical topics. |
|  | NRICH Online Maths Club challenges, articles, games, news |
|  | Nummòlt mathematical toy boxes (in Spanish). |
|  | Online Tutorials An online tutorial search engine. This site is a free educational resource which can be used by anyone wishing to find tutorials on the Internet. The site has tutorials on everything from advanced computer software to learning a new language and is receiving a huge response internationally. |
|  | Our Montessori Shockwave educational manipulatives for learning basicarithmetic and more |
|  | Paper Folding |
|  | PASS Maths Public Awareness and Schools Support for Mathematics, a magazine |
|  | PixelGraphics, Inc. a math program to assist elementary students in gainingbetter fact retention, works especially well with ADD and ADHD students. |
|  | Polyhedra |
|  | Polyhedron dynamic geometry software for DOS/Windows with 250 built-in problems |
|  | Polymath Love Free and low-cost Macintosh programs for middle schoolmathematics. Download 18 working, classroom-tested programs. |
|  | PreCalculus Modeling Resources An interactive learning resource forstudents and teachers of highschool & college precalculus. |
|  | Probabilistic Learning Activities Network aimed at high schoolstudents, offers on-line learning activites about chance and probability |
|  | Probability Tutorials an online course on measure theory, lebesgue integration, and probability, with tutorials |
|  | Problem of the Week For highschool. Algebra, geometry, numbertheory, and more. |
|  | Professor Freedman's Math Help Award-winning math-help site |
|  | Project SkyMath Middle school curriculum that uses real-time weather data to learn mathematics |
|  | Ptolemy's Ptools a fun site by students for teaching other studentsgeometry. Use triangles to explore the real world from your backyardand 3D worlds from your computer |
|  | QuizStar lectures and quizzes for Introduction to Statistics course |
|  | R.L. Moore and the Moore Method of teaching |
|  | Risk Books lists a variety of professional and academic quantitativefinance / finanial mathematics books. |
|  | SBGMath.com Math lessons for grades K-6 |
|  | SchoolNet |
|  | Solver - Solved Problems SearchEngine Solved mathematical problems, full and free solutions. Searchable. Algebra, calculus, ... |
|  | SOS MATH |
|  | Statistics Online Computational Resource for Edication The Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR) is a suite of tools for technoligy-based education in the areas of science involving statistical design, modeling and analysis. The site contains many interactive games, demonstrations, tutorials, interfaces and tools that improve motivation and enhance intuition in all levels of probability and statistics courses. |
|  | Students on the Net free mathematics on-line worksheets, and more |
|  | the 24 Game ranges of mental arithmetic games for all ages |
|  | The Diamond 16 Puzzle To solve this puzzle, the user permutes rows,columns, and quadrants of a 4x4 array of 2-color square tiles. |
|  | The Excellent Adventure math based cross-curricula web site |
|  | The Impossible Problem Solver offers tutoring services for highschooland college students, also offers consulting services for engineeringand financial firms |
|  | The Learning Group learning games including flashcard drills, matching games, concentration, and word search puzzles |
|  | The Lopez Foundation Non-profit organization makes mathematicaleducation software for grades 5-12, on CD-ROM and also for download. |
|  | The Math League , math constests (grades 4-12), math educational software (grades 4-8) |
|  | The New Mathwright Library Several mathematics books on-line |
|  | The Online Math Tests Home Page It is an evaluation website for readiness in Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry for college courses. The problems and parameters are randomly generated. Complete solutions provided after work submission |
|  | The Tutorial Search Engine The biggest database of free tutorials on the internet. |
|  | thinkwell.com creates online study guides for high school and college students with streamed video review lectures, downloadable notes, practice quizzes, mock exams, and online tutors |
|  | Time to Teach contains over 100 interactive, free, complete primarymaths lessons for Year R to Year 6 children. |
|  | Totally Tessellated Historical gallery of actual tessellations,illustrated and animated tutorials, including work of M. C. Escher |
|  | Trachtenberg Speed Math an interactive, speed math learning tool that allows you to quickly learnProfessor Trachtenberg's system. |
|  | Trigonometric Integrals |
|  | tutorialfind an online tutorial search engine |
|  | Tuxedo Toys Educational products & workshops for children. |
|  | Two Worlds United Student exchange and study abroad programs, providesscholarships and grants to college and high school students. |
|  | Understanding Math Programs for Grades 6 - 10 on Macintosh and Windows |
|  | Upper secondary math tutorial |
|  | VectorLand accessible interactive introduction to 3D vector geometry used in math, science and computer graphics |
|  | Virtual Image Mathematics education software CD's |
|  | Virtual Institute of Mathematical Sciences |
|  | Virtual Probablity and Statistics Center under development as an online tutorial center for the study of elementary probability and statistics |
|  | Virtual University Free maths lessons in Topology, Probability, Sequence Theory |
|  | VisualMath visual and interactive programs that can be downloaded for Windows 95 |
|  | Webgnosis is a site to improve mathematics education using theweb. It contains 1,500 problems completely solved for the access to theUniversity, spanish curriculum. |
|  | Webmath part of DiscoverySchool.com's homework help site,features problem solvers and calculators that help kidscheck their homework. |
|  | Why Slopes: Appetizers andLessons for Math and Reason |
|  | wims Web interactive mathematics server. Interactive exercises, online computing tools, interactive puzzles, etc. |
|  | Worksheet Library Worksheet Library Offers 1000s of grade level K-6 standard based worksheets for all subject areas. |